Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kidney Patients' Association |
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An introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis |
Story of being on PD by John |
Story of being on PD by Neil |
This is the story from Maria |
This is the story from Raja |
Transplant |
Peritoneal Dialysis |
General Renal Information |
Living Kidney Donation |
Haemodialysis |
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Shared Care H.D. |
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LLandrindod Wells Dialysis Unit - Holidays | |
LLandrindod Wells Dialysis Unit opens for holiday breaks This year, a dialysis unit at LLandrindod Wells has opened. It has 4 Stations, 3 of them are for patients living in the region for regular dialysis. The 4th Station is available for patients at the Q.E., at a satellite unit or on home dialysis for a holiday, either to take a short break or for a week. The area has lovely countryside and there are plenty of hotels, B & B's, pubs and caravan sites close by to choose from. It is an ideal place to take a break. As a patient at Q.E., it will be simple to organize. Check that the space is available, and organize your own accommodation. The unit is run by the Q.E so they will have all your medical details on hand. If you have never felt confident about going on holiday, this is a good opportunity to start. If you are interested, contact your Renal Co-ordinator at the Q.E. and book a holiday. There is no charge for the dialysis treatment but patients must provide their own accommodation and transport to and from the unit. Please take this opportunity to have a holiday. For accommodation contact the Tourist Information Office. The Old Town Hall, Memorial Gardens, LLandrindod Wells, Powys. LD1 5DL Phone No:- 01597 822600 |